Thursday, September 19, 2013


Photo by Eduardo Hernandez
I took this Panoramic photo on Friday the 13th during a varsity football game. In order to create this  Panoramic photo, I took about 15 different shots of the field from side to side using a tripod.  I took about five different sets of the same scene to make sure I had a variety to chose from. I had to make sure that all of my exposures were the same on every single frame, if one was off I went back and re-shot it. This was a simple step but it was critical, because if they weren't all evenly expose the final panoramic picture would off and look weird. The next step was to put all of the frames into adobe Photoshop and have it create a Panoramic.

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Multiplicity Project

This was my final work for the multiplicity project for my Photo 2 class.
Photo by: Eduardo Hernandez Vivar  

For our first project Ms. Young had us make a multiplicity photo. In order to make it we had to go out and take multiple shots of the same object. We made sure that all of the frames had drastic change in that one object  and that the background was as similar as possible so that we would had less work with the after editing. Once we had the pictures we used adobe photoshop to edit them. We opened the fames under script and loaded them into stakcs. This made the next step easy because adobe photoshop made sure the the pcitures match. All I had to do was erased some parts of each frame so that Carla would show up in just one picture.       

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

My Life

Photo taken by Carla Prieto
              My name is Eduardo Hernandez, and I was born in Mexico city. I started my photography career last year during the summer. My uncle gave me the opportunity to help him in one of his events taking photos in Pennsylvania. At first i wasn't interested that much in taking photos but once i realized that i could actually make some money out of it i started to get more interested. Photography has become one of my hobbies and i take photos every time i get the chance too. I plan to take photos of as many events this year and have them published in the yearbook and Musket. I also like to run, listen to music and be with my family in my free time. I plan on going to a four year university and getting a major on engineering. I'm sort of a nerd when it comes to math, I just seem to be able to learn math without any trouble.